Plant-based Ferritin-Iron
100% Vegan. Non-GMO. Kosher. Made in the USA.
Sloiron® is the first innovation in iron supplementation in 500 years. Sloiron® is ferritin-iron that is naturally occurring in legumes. It is vegan, plant-based, and is produced in the USA.
What makes Sloiron® special?
Sloiron® has a dedicated absorption mechanism in the human gut unlike any other iron forms. This unique absorption mechanism may offer a safe alternative for those struggling with sensitivity to other iron supplements currently on the market.
Current iron supplementation is not well tolerated and can have side effects such as constipation and gastrointestinal discomfort. There are also few vegan, plant-based forms of iron supplementation.
Those at risk for iron-deficiency include young children and pregnant women. Iron deficiency in young children can lead to slow cognitive development. Iron deficiency in pregnant women can lead to premature delivery and a low birth-weight baby. Pregnant women and young children, at risk for iron-deficiency and its consequences, are also especially sensitive to the gastrointestinal distress of traditional iron supplementation.
Ferritin-iron is organized in such a way that the ferritin protein acts as a protective cage for the iron, which is contained within the ferritin shell as a bionanomineral called Ferrihydrite (Fe203H20). The ferritin cage also serves as a natural enteric coating for the Fe and is not broken down inside the stomach. When it reaches the gut, the gut cell absorbs the ferritin protein cage as a whole using a dedicated absorption mechanism called receptor-mediated endocytosis. Because the Fe is still contained within the ferritin cage during the entire process of this absorption mechanism, it keeps the reactive Fe from ever being exposed to the gut cell wall. This is unique to ferritin-iron because all other iron forms require the naked Fe to pass independently through the gut cell wall, which may cause irritation to the gut.
Ferritin also provides a slow release of iron. This slow-release property may protect from possible harmful iron overload and allows the Fe to be delivered effectively to where the body needs it when it needs it.
Ferritin-iron is bioavailable and has shown in human clinical studies to be just as well absorbed in humans as ferrous sulfate.
Now commercially available.
We have developed a patented method for effectively extracting intact ferritin-iron from legumes, making it commercially available for the first time.
Sloiron® is Non-GMO, Vegan, Kosher, and produced in the USA.
To receive more information on specifications and pricing, please contact us below.
Meet Dr. Elizabeth C. Theil, PhD, Professor and
Co-founder of Sloiron, Inc.
Dr. Elizabeth Theil is the co-founder of Sloiron, Inc. and is a distinguished researcher who pioneered studies in iron and ferritin. She earned her B.S. in Bacteriology from Cornell University (1957) and her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Columbia University (1962). She joined the NCSU faculty in 1971, where she is a Professor Emeritus, and in 1998 moved to the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute where she is Senior Scientist Emeritus. She also taught as an adjunct professor at the University of California, Berkeley before retiring in 2010.
Dr. Theil has published over 100+ studies spanning topics in biochemistry, medicine, and nutrition. In 2012, her groundbreaking study published in The Journal of Nutrition was the first to shed light into the unique absorption mechanism of ferritin-iron in the human body that was different from the well-known absorption mechanism of any other iron supplement. Her study offered a potential new treatment for iron deficiency using legume-based ferritin, which led to the development of Sloiron®, a commercialized legume-based ferritin-iron that is safe to use in food, beverage, infant and toddler formulas, supplement applications, and pet food.
1547 Palos Verdes Mall #131
Walnut Creek, CA 94597